Old Bus Photos

Chiltern Queens – AEC Reliance – LMO 743

LMO 743_lr
Copyright Ray Soper

Chiltern Queens of Woodcote
AEC Reliance MU3RV
Duple Midland B44F

This shot is from the Ray Soper gallery contribution titled "Chiltern Queens of Woodcote" click on the title if you would like to view his Gallery and comments.
The shot is shown here for indexing purposes but please feel free to make any comment regarding this vehicle either here or on the gallery.

07/03/13 – 17:33

This photo brings back many memories of school trips between Didcot Station and Wallingford Grammar School 1959 – 61 after which I moved to Wimbledon. From memory LMO 743 ran the best out of the 3 and was often driven by a young driver known as Nelson who had a novel way of changing gear particularly from 1st to 2nd without the customary pause – how he did it I know not but it made for a lively ride. NBW 407 was also used (quite new at the time) and was treated more gently. If we went the Whittenham way, the old Maudslay & Tilling Stevens half cabs were used such as DBW 66 & DUD 401 & NPA 461.

Richard Anscombe

09/10/13 – 08:20

My father drove one of these for Chiltern Queens between 1957-1961, three buses of this model; LMO 743, LMO744 and LMO745 were driven by Nelson Prior, Des Spokes and my father Bill Pearson. I have a photo of my father stood by one on lay over at the old Polish camp at Ipsden heath, Checkendon. The route was polish camp to Checkendon, to Exslade street to Kidmore end (The Fox) to Reforation pub turn to Whitehouse green to Chalkhouse green to Emmergreen to Caversham to Reading station. On his return journey as a kid I would wait at the bus stop at Parkside in Checkendon my father would pick me up and take me to his terminus; Polish camp where he would eat is lunch of which my mother would send with me for him, just think this was approx 54 years ago? seems like y/day.



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Old Bus Photos from Saturday 25th April 2009 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024