Old Bus Photos

Huddersfield Corporation – AEC Regent V – SCX 194 – 194

Huddersfield Corporation AEC Regent V

Huddersfield Corporation
AEC Regent V
East Lancs H39/31F

The AEC code for this bus was 2D2RA this code started in 1960 and was really the start of the Regent V series 2. This bus is a straight forward Regent V being 30ft long 8ft wide has a AEC AV590 six cylinder 9.6 litre engine with Monocontrol four speed direct selection gearbox. This actual bus was sold to Kowloon Motor Bus, Hong Kong in 1973 I have searched the internet but can not come up with a shot of it in Hong Kong If you know of one please leave a comment with a link and I will update.


Here are a couple of links to photos of 194 in Hong Kong, the first whilst in operation and the second sadly at the end of its days.

1)  //bit.ly/c3CTpR

2)  //bit.ly/bzVxzW

J S Hinchliffe (HPTG)


In municipal days Huddersfield was technically two fleets these were the corporation fleet which served the town and the Joint Committee fleet which went to places like Dewsbury and Halifax. Prior to 1961 the corporation fleet was all trolley buses the first modern motor buses being a batch of Roe bodied PD3s.
The Regent above is a JOC bus and carries a restrained red livery. The corporation fleet carried a nineteen thirties streamline livery that lasted until the late sixties early seventies. Eventually the JOC was disbanded and all Huddersfields buses wore the same livery

Chris Hough


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Old Bus Photos from Saturday 25th April 2009 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024