Old Bus Photos

United Automobile – Bristol LL5G – NHN 128 – G460

United Bristol

United Automobile Services
Bristol LL5G

This was one of the first buses to appear on this website and I did not research into it as well as I could of done. So I have rewritten and reposted it.  |   Click here to see the repost.  |


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United Automobile – Bristol Lodekka LD6B – WHN 703 – L3

 United Automobile Bristol Lodekka

United Automobile Services
Bristol LD6B
ECW H33/25R

Not many of these deep radiator versions made shame really I quite liked them. This photo was taken at Scarborough on the round about by the railway station.

A full list of Bristol codes can be seen here.

A full list of United codes can be seen here.


The original deep radiator versions of the Lodekka were indeed attractive machines but after the first 18 months or so of production (around late 1955) the first body modifications began with the shortening of the radiator cowl (compare with the picture of United FS6B L108 here). The deep radiator cowls were known as ‘long apron’ types.



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Old Bus Photos from Saturday 25th April 2009 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024