Old Bus Photos

East Yorkshire – Leyland Panther – GAT 801D – 801

East Yorkshire Leyland Panther 

East Yorkshire Motor Services
Leyland Panther PSUR1/2R
Marshall B49F

A pair of Panthers owned by East Yorkshire with Marshall bodywork. If you click on Daimler or Halifax Corporation in the side navigation and scroll down to the Daimler Roadliner you can see the similarity of the Marshall bodywork somehow the Daimler has one more seat. The Panther was available with either a low or high frame chassis these two by the height of the seats have the high frame version.


Even though this pair of Panthers may be a bit modern for some, you surely must admit that glorious dark blue and primrose livery sets them off a treat. It’s a shame Peter Shipp, respected owner of EYMS, still can’t be persuaded to return his buses to this stylish scheme, smart as the present cream and dark red may be.

Brendan Smith


I do so agree. Blue, and cream, are such neglected shades. You can’t beat EYMS indigo and cream.

David Oldfield


I work for EYMS and totally agree that the blue livery looks much nicer than the red and cream.
If you look at the new Wrightbus which has been repainted into the old livery you will see that it looks great.

Terry Malloy


Absolutely! The old EYMS indigo and primrose was something very special. Living in York as a kid, I was used to seeing West Yorkshire’s and United’s standard Tilling red, the occasional green and cream of West Riding and Reliance, as well as York Pullman’s very smart magenta, yellow and cream. But EYMS livery was quite outstanding; just the sight of it made one wish to get on board.  As Terry Malloy says, it was great. How about starting a petition to Mr Shipp?

Roy Burke


Odd that EYMS bought the PSUR1/2 coach chassis (straight frame) for these buses – rather than the PSUR1/1 low floor bus chassis.

Peter G Greaves


I must agree, concerning the Indigo & Primrose traditional livery, as this was the livery that I grew up with, taking it for granted, until the advent of NBC red (ugh!), however I do think that the Burgundy & Primrose is as good (if not better..)

Keith Easton


Burgundy and Primrose is excellent – but why not Indigo? Rather like my post at Rawthenstall PD2 about Sheffield trying green out. There was nothing wrong with the green – it just wasn’t cream and blue.

David Oldfield


Agreed David, but I’m an Aries, a fire sign, so I prefer shades of red, but indigo isn’t.
Just an afterthought… I wonder what PD1A number 509 (JRH 982) which was painted in the experimental purple and primrose livery, which it received in the early 1950’s, actually looked like. I’ve seen black & white photos, but never any colour ones.

Keith Easton


Keith, the purple and primrose PD1 looked absolutely awful – it remains in the memory still – an thankfully cut no ice. It would have been bad with any operator but the contrast with the proud and dignified EYMS image was distressing to say the least. The large fleet of EYMS PD1s really were the tops for me, and carried an interesting departure from the usual Roe polished wooden window surrounds, having mid blue gloss paint finish instead – equally pleasing. I was in Bridlington when the changeover from Williamson’s fascinating and well loved vehicles on their two town services gave way to the EYMS PD1s and smartly uniformed staff with metal "EYMS" badges on the lapels – a week of two equally interesting extremes that was, and I was sad and glad at the same time to witness it.

Chris Youhill


By a weird coincidence this is the same vehicle referred to in my article on Lower Mosley Street Bus Station. It really stood out amid all the red vehicles of NWRCC, Ribble, etc. Made my day!

Neville Mercer


29/01/12 – 16:58

Yes I agree the blue livery would suit modern day EYMS vehicles.I remember these working into Leeds on the Yorkshire Coast services when wellington street was a riot of colour. Did they make it into the so called NBC blue?

Tony Greig


13/02/12 – 07:32

These Marshall bodied Panthers were some of the most elegant vehicles in the EY fleet, and it is a shame that none exist in preservation. To me, as with the other correspondents in this article, indigo and primrose was and always will be the true EY livery. I agree that it would be good to have todays fleet returned to traditional livery. As far as I know, there are no colour pics of JRH 982 in existence.

John Eggleton


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East Yorkshire – AEC Regent V – WAT 651 – 651

East Yorkshire AEC Regent V Beverly Bar

East Yorkshire Motor Services
AEC Regent V
Roe HBB66R

Photographed at Scarborough bus station this Beverly Bar styled Regent V with normal V radiator is on route to Bridlington via the Butlings Holiday camp at Filey.
I have now found my old fleet lists above information comes from one dated 20th February 1964 the only other snippet of information other than above is that this bus had a 9.6 litre engine

A full list of Regent V codes can be seen here.


This was the last East Yorkshire full height bus with a Beverly Bar roof to enter service, it is now preserved and appears on the Northern Rally circuit.

Chris Hough


When I travelled daily from Hedon to Withernsea School on 651/652 they were always known as "Hovercrafts". Don’t know why.

Martin Ferris


Eeee Martin, that takes me back.  I was in the RAF at Patrington in 1955/6 – a Utopian posting for a lifelong devotee of the wonderful East Yorkshire Motor Services.  Mark V Regents were still to come of course, but oh what treats you would have enjoyed on your school journeys a little earlier – Leyland PD1s and often, on duplicates from Hull Depot, the gorgeous ECW rebodied pre-war Titan TD5s.  Due no doubt to a temporary shortage of transfers, or possibly a most enchanting mistake, some of the PD1s had on the platform rear wall the fabulous instruction "WAIT UNTIL THE COACH STOPS."
One of the Motor Transport drivers at our Patrington camp came to the end of his long regular service with the RAF and joined EYMS at Withernsea Depot – I’ve NEVER been as green with envy of anyone before or since.  His surname was Mitchell (Mitch) and I hope he’s still around but will be well in his "eighties" by now.

Chris Youhill


With regards to Martins question two up:

Noise? Vibration? Pitching? Deafening engine fan?
Ability to deal with run off water from fields?



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East Yorkshire – AEC Bridgemaster – 4703 AT – 703

East Yorkshire - AEC Bridgemaster - 4703 AT - 703

East Yorkshire Motor Services
AEC Bridgemaster
Park Royal H45/28RD

I don’t think there were many rear entrance Bridgemasters built you did not see many 30ft rear entrance buses they were usually 27ft 6in. Note the luggage rack just inside the door there would also be space under the stairs this was probably for tourists suit cases in the Bridlington area. The Bridgemaster had a low floor on the lower deck so it could have a normal seating arrangement upstairs but still be able to negotiate the Beverly Bar. The registration number is something like 1703 AT but the angle is not good to see clearly worked it out from now found fleet list reg 4703. If you look at the bus behind it is a full fronted Leyland Titan with the Beverly Bar roof.

A full list of Bridgemaster codes can be seen here.

25/11/11 – 17:03

Does anyone have photos or a list of those Bridgemasters and Renowns that carried the illuminated "It’s Best By Bus" slogans on the offside? I grew up on Longhill Estate, firmly in EYMS territory, and I can remember those signs looming out of a foggy winter evening whilst heading home after spending the afternoon being dragged around Hammonds or the Co-op.

Andrew Ottaway

26/03/12 – 14:28

Despite the design, these (nos 700 to 715) had tapered upper deck profiles for the Bar operations as did subsequent Bridgemasters, Renowns and Fleetlines 825-36/52-7/66-72.
The first four Bridgemasters 696-699 did not have this.

Malcolm Wells

26/03/12 – 17:03

I lived on the West Hill Estate in Bridlington until December ’63 (aged 5-7). Buses from this batch (700-715) worked the Estate route from new – The domed roof buses (as I saw them) hardly ever appeared thereafter.
When I moved to Leeds I drew pictures of green Leeds buses with a luggage rack inside the rear entrance – I just assumed all rear-entrance buses had luggage racks there, having experienced nothing else!
703 seems to be very photogenic – there’s a photo of the same vehicle in the specialist AEC Bridgemaster book! I’d love to know how many of the 16 in the batch worked out of Quay Road 61-63.

Barry Parker

27/03/12 – 15:56

Andrew, here’s a link to an EYMS Bridgemaster with a raised advertisement panel. I don’t know if it’s an illuminated one though. //www.eyms.co.uk/

John Darwent

28/03/12 – 08:29

I’m not sure about this, but I believe all the buses with raised advertisement panels were illuminated, but I think that this would have fallen into disuse at some period.

Keith Easton

28/03/12 – 11:27

Andrew – Here’s a link to the ‘It’s Best by Bus’ advert on EYMS Bridgemaster 725 //www.eyms.co.uk/

John Darwent

06/06/12 – 17:40

I found these posts very interesting as I was employed as a bus driver at Anlaby Road depot from 1963 till 1970 upon which I left for Australia. Yes I well remember driving a Bridgemaster the first time through the Beverley Bar and ducking my head !!!! another time which makes me smile, we were coming along Hessle Road into town in a saloon and when I pulled up at the bus stop my mate opened the door and said to this guy who was full as a boot " we are full upstairs " and he said " ok mate I will wait for the next one so I can have a smoke" happy days.

Tony Frost

07/06/12 – 07:03

Nice anecdotes, Tony!

Chris Hebbron

06/09/12 – 07:34

3747 RH_lr

Photograph of 3747 RH with the illuminated "It’s Best By Bus" slogan on the offside for Andrew 1st comment above.

John Thompson

24/02/13 – 08:14

Thanks for the replies, and particularly John’s links.

Andrew Ottaway


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