AEC Regent 4½

AEC Regent 4½

I believe Yorkshire Woollen District cut down the engines of the Regent Vs so as to save fuel and that AEC ordered the blue triangles to be removed. Can anyone confirm this please.

Philip Carlton

I must say that I've never heard of this theory and, if "Yorkshire Woollen" did adopt this measure then they must have been very misguided in view of their mountainous terrain. I know from long experience that "cut down" engines tend to encourage vicious and damaging driving amongst the less dedicated and conscientious drivers - driving practices which must cost far more in expensive mechanical repairs than any saving in fuel costs. I need hardly say that I NEVER resorted to any such abuse of a vehicle, settling instead for what I consider to be right if unavoidable - late running and the inevitable scoffing and sneering from "the fast men who KNOW how to drive a bus." This is a very thorny issue indeed.

Chris Youhill

This has thrown up a memory from those times. Yes, I remember YWDs Regent Vs having their badges removed or painted over, and the rumour was that this was because of "bad maintenance" rather than the more likely mechanical alterations. It would be interesting to get the facts on this topic. Referring to Chris's message, I can confirm that his bus and coach driving in those days was always immaculate and precise (no shuddering off in second gear to save time). Lovers of first gear tones enjoyed being his passenger!

Paul Haywood

The posts regarding YWD AECs and poor maintenance brings to mind an occasion in either the late sixties or early seventies when the YWD platform staff went on strike complaining that poor maintenance was putting them at risk. They sited the PS2 rebuilds as being the worst culprits.

Chris Hough

The AEC Regents actually had the fuel pumps adjusted to save fuel, but the removal of the badges was due to ‘The Management’ not wanting to advertise AEC for free. With regard the strike of platform staff as far as I know it was for the lack (Poor efficiency) of cab and saloon heating on the Converted PS2s. I was employed by YWD at the time of the new AECs which were the first AEC deckers in the fleet (all the remaining fleet where Guys or Leylands). The Drivers took an instant dislike to the AECs because of the very heavy steering, very heavy clutch operation and NO progression on the Air Brakes. The cabs where also none heated.

Chris Bligh



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