Plaxton Consort YWE 388

Plaxton Consort YWE 388

Does anyone know the history of this Plaxton Consort bodied Bedford SB? It is probably from 1957 and new to a Sheffield area operator. The two colour livery and that wide chrome band betwixt the wheels should be a give-away. Additional clues are the window tops carrying the message "Express, Littleport, Ely, Sheffield" and reversed on the near-side. I feel I should know but it has me foxed,

Les Dickinson

21/05/12 - 07:50

Whilst this coach does not feature in Peter Gould’s fleet list of Sheffield United Tours, SUT operated a Saturday only coach service between Sheffield and the Cambridgeshire towns of Littleport and Ely. Some years ago I enquired from someone why there was such a service linking what seemed to be two quite unlikely areas. I was told that the service catered for Yorkshire anglers taking fishing holidays in the Fens. How true this is I don’t know but judging by the set downs served this could be quite true as they are all fairly 'waterside'.
The presence of the lettering on the window glasses for such a limited service is commendable!
PG’s list shows vehicles added to the SUT fleet carrying registrations XWE 266 and 1291 WE during 1959.
So did the operator of YWE 388 also operate a Sheffield-Ely service in addition to SUT? Or were they the only company to do so and later sell out to SUT who then continued to operate the service?
In the summer 1972 edition of ‘Britain’s Express Coach Guide’ showed the SUT service running Saturdays only from June 17 to September 2 leaving Sheffield (Central Bus Station) at 07:00 and Attercliffe at 07:10. The set down points were Tydd (1030), Wisbech (10:45), Upwell (11:00), Salters Lode (11:15), Welney (11:30), Littleport (11:45) and Ely (Cutters Inn) at 12:00. The return trip left Ely at 13:00 arriving back in Sheffield at 18:00.

David Slater

21/05/12 - 11:14

Sorry to disappoint you, David. Of the many vehicles acquired with the take over of small independents in the late fifties and early sixties, this was not one. As a Sheffielder who was interested in these things from about this time, I confess that I cannot place this vehicle at all. It seems like a Bedford (the height of the windscreen and grille are factors in this). Law Bros only bought Bedfords in the '60s when Commers were no longer available and after a flirtation with Ford. [Their final fleet profile was Bedfords and Leylands.]

David Oldfield

26/05/12 - 06:49

My own records of SUT fleet, including acquisitions, are quite substantial and I am reasonably sure that this did not appear in that fleet. As a boy I saw this coach and seem to recall that the bottom panels were a sort of light turquoise colour, the rest of the vehicle in a cream. I think also that Rileys had a similar scheme, however, I do not think it was theirs either. Of course, as the years are flying by, it could be that my memory is playing tricks on me!

Les Dickinson

26/05/12 - 09:28

Les is quite right about Riley's. They were, however, a Rotherham firm and to the best of my knowledge only bought brand new at about this time. It would, therefore, have had HE registration rather than a Sheffield one. I seem to recollect that they had more of a leaning towards Duple - I can't remember any Plaxtons.

Just had another thought - but this is just wild speculation. My friend, the late Walter Martin, whose firm continues with his son John, was originally a "one man band". When I first knew him he had a WA registered Bedford SB3/Plaxton Embassy which he had bought new. I assumed this was his first vehicle but maybe I was wrong. His livery? Cream and turquoise..

David Oldfield

26/05/12 - 10:05

This would qualify me for pedant's corner, but Rotherham registrations were actually ET Barnsley was HE. (Dewsbury HD Wakefield HL & Doncaster DT.)


26/05/12 - 10:45

I agree with David about Riley normally buying new. Their registrations were usually ET, not HE. They did have JWB 109N which I think was bought new but Sheffield reg's were rare.
I know nothing about the other company, hopefully some-one else might?

Les Dickinson

26/05/12 - 12:17

Pedants of the world unite. Of course it's ET - my first car was OET. It's another of my accumulative senior moments. I knew that, and that HE is Barnsley.

Les, the only reason Riley's had JWB109N - possibly their last vehicle - was the 1974/5 reorganisation of registrations when Rotherham, Doncaster and Barnsley marks (and offices) were transferred to Sheffield along with a number including HL, three Bradford marks and WG from Scotland.

David Oldfield

26/05/12 - 20:07

Good point about the "shuffling" of reg's David. Rileys did take another 4 Y type Bedfords after JWB 109N. They were KVH 926N (Plaxton YRQ)later in 1975; and in 1976 they had AJX 176/7R (Plaxton YMT) and PJF 340R (Duple YMT)

Les Dickinson

21/10/14 - 06:50

I am reliably informed that this vehicle was new to EH Simms, Sheffield 05/1957.

Les Dickinson



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