Fleet Names & Crests

Over the years, we have lost large numbers of operators and their liveries. With Municipal operators, these losses may have come about through mergers (Blackburn and Darwen or Lancaster and Morecambe & Heysham at Local Government Reorganisation, for example) or through selling out to others (such as Southdown to Stagecoach and Bournemouth to Transdev). It is thanks to people like our Editor that we can still share views of these "fallen flags". Sometimes, the livery is revived to mark some sort of anniversary, but the vehicle wearing it is far too modern to appear on this site.
Very rarely, we see a close view of the fleet name and/or crest, but only as part of the main view of the vehicle. I wonder if members would have any interest in seeing distinct entries, perhaps in a separate column. Would there be enough room to add another column (Old Bus Fleet Names) in the way that "Sounds" was added a while ago? This assumes of course that it could be done without too much time, effort and expense on Peter's part.
I'd not want to upset anyone, but what do other people think about this? [Should I just go back to sleep?]

Pete Davies

23/03/15 - 16:21

Sounds a good idea to me Peter. If space permits, maybe they could be 'filed' in alphabetical order the same as the operators, makers etc. Suggest it should be open to all, current as well as historic. The ones we see now will be gone before you know it. I miss my favoured Sheffield crest and even the SJOC name. Mine's a yes!

Les Dickinson

24/03/15 - 07:13

Thank you, Les. Let's see what anyone else has to say. The main criterion, I think, is whether Peter can fit it into spaces available and whether he has the time to take on anything more than he does for us already.

Pete Davies

24/03/15 - 07:13

Fully support the idea Pete. Perhaps a dispensation could be given on such a site, as Les suggests, for photos of the handful of modern vehicles specially repainted to commemorate historic occasions. Hopefully, the Webmaster whose hard work enables us to enjoy our interest, will feel able to agree but we will of course abide by his decision.

John Darwent

24/03/15 - 07:14

I like this suggestion, and would hope that it's a possibility for the site. Ideally, the developments could be shown, too. For example Portsmouth had a simple crest up to the early 70's, then a more complex one before it's demise after privatisation. Southdown had it's block capitals, and it's alternative script for coaches. Even the traditional Hants and Dorset, and other BTC/Tilling names etc would be welcome, as although plain looking in their hey-day, they are welcome now.

Michael Hampton

24/03/15 - 07:15

Perhaps contributors to this site would be interested in this Flickr Group which is for Fleetnames and Logos.
There are a number of new and modern ones on. but also many old and forgotten ones. www.flickr.com/photos/21611052@N02/sets/

Stephen Howarth

24/03/15 - 07:15

There are some at www.sct61.org.uk/gallery/badges

Peter Williamson

24/03/15 - 08:35

Stephen, and Peter W, yes, these are just what I had in mind. I have to confess that I've looked at both the sites you mention on odd occasions, but I've never studied either of them that closely. Makers' badges on SCT61 - well, what's the collective view about including those here? More work for our Editor of course!

Pete Davies

24/03/15 - 08:36

As Michael suggests, many of these names, coats of arms and badges evolved, even in times gone by. I am sure we should stick to the age limits which should save a lot of shock-horror. It would be good to see them- for me- in the context of the bus, rather than an isolated close-up and pictures showing "evolution" would be interesting.


19/08/15 - 07:20

If the above were put with a vehicle, Joe, it would have to be 'tagged' in such a way as a general search revealed the actual vehicle with the crest. Sometime ago, I included a crest with a Portsmouth Corporation bus, but without tagging you'd have to trawl through all Pompey ones, assuming you knew it was a Portsmouth one!
I would prefer the crests to be shown separately from the vehicles, (or all-together, to put it another way) because, often, the crests or typeface changed and there would be no ready comparison unless they were together. Even Tilling companies changed their typeface at times. Southern Vectis's pre-war name is much fancier than the later one. And I'm happy that 'National' ones are shown, too. I always recall seeing, in Gloucester, buses with National Welsh on one side and the actually incorrect Cymru Cenedlaethol on the other (Cymru means Wales)!

Chris Hebbron



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