Daimler Badge

Daimler Badge

Here is a shot of a Daimler badge that I have I would love a picture of the bus or similar version it came off with the badge on it. Any clues would be appreciated....

Mike Beech

Bit of strange ruler chaps not your normal foot, 14 inch between the outer lines.

14/09/11 - 16:58

To kick off, it's the front badge from a Fleetline... some had these, some had smaller ones, some had none at all.... purchaser's/bodybuilder's choice?


15/09/11 - 09:17

This style of Daimler badge based on the original radiator fluting first appeared on underfloor Daimler Freelines in the fifties it was widely used on Daimler Fleetline and Roadliner chassis, In 1968 it was superceded by a much smaller badge this retained the word Daimler and the futing but dropped the wings.

Chris Hough

15/09/11 - 09:18

According to Glory Days Manchester and Salford the featured badge was an optional extra. It was put on an early Manchester Fleetline and charged for. Manchester refused to pay and told Daimler they could collect it themselves if they so wished!

David Oldfield

15/09/11 - 09:19

It was a very fine badge and reflected the magnificent quality chassis to which it referred. I seem to recall that a good few Fleetlines also had it on the rear engine covers but may be wrong on that.

Chris Youhill

15/09/11 - 09:20

Lots of photos to choose from here http://www.sct61.org.uk/ixcdf.htm ,but I think this one http://www.sct61.org.uk/hx565crw.htm is the right size.

Peter Williamson

17/09/11 - 08:06

This is actually the Mk2 version of this style of badge, the earliest Fleetlines had a style with longer 'wings' than this but by the late '60's this style became the norm.


10/08/12 - 13:52

Couldn't pass up the opportunity to reference my favourite fleet - Tailby & George's Blue Bus Services. BBS had the Fleetline demonstrator, 7000 HP, which had the longer, fluted badge; their next four Fleetlines all had Northern Counties bodywork - 324 YNU (the first production Fleetline), 325 YNU and ARA 762B all had the longer badge, too, while JRB 481D had the shorter version. I assume it would have been identical to the one you have pictured. Does that tie in with others' dates?
BBS' final Fleetline, NRA 49J, had an Alexander body with an illuminated sign ('exact fare only', I think) in place of that graceful piece of automotive art. Sic transit gloria mundi...


324 YNU can be seen here




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