Christ Church Bridlington Outing in the late 1940s

I was wondering if anyone knew if the two buses on the photograph belonged to Williamson's Bus Company in Bridlington. I have this photograph showing my brother David Williamson Gt Gt Grandson of John Williamson the founder of the Bus service and it would be taken in the late 1940s when Williamson's Bus service was still in operation in the town. Many thanks for any help.

Cathy Goldthorpe

05/04/15 - 06:50

I can't answer your query, but there are several "Yorkshire" specialists on here, and some of them appear to be experts on both Bridlington and this operator in particular. I'm sure at least one of them will give you some details very soon!

Pete Davies

05/04/15 - 06:51

Good question Cathy!
My PSV Circle lists do not show a TD1 or TD2 type enclosed staircase lowbridge Leyland Titan in the Williamson fleet, and I cannot "get near enough" to the one behind to identify it. Williamsons had totally different bodies on early Titan chassis, as acquired from Glasgow Corporation (Cowieson) and Yorkshire Woollen District (Roe).
Neither can I identify such a bus in the White Bus Service fleet. I suggest that it MAY belong to Boddys, as I am not sure that Williamson had a "trip" licence anyway, but this is a best guess only and I feel sure that a "Brid Independent" expert, of which there are several connected to this site, will come up with the correct answer, which is now greatly intriguing me! Thanks for the photo and question.

John Whitaker

05/04/15 - 06:51

If this is Williamsons, then the front vehicle is one of GE 7257 or GG 910, both Leyland TD1 with Cowieson bodywork new to Glasgow Corporation. They were withdrawn in March & November 1948.

David Hick

05/04/15 - 06:52

Hello Cathy - well, I've had a detailed look at the excellent picture and I'm sorry to say that I'm pretty certain that neither of the buses is belonging to Williamson's. If it was taken in the 1940s they had only just started getting used double deckers - the first two from Glasgow, then five from Yorkshire Woollen of Dewsbury, and finally two giant six wheelers from Doncaster - the one in the picture resembles none of those in any way. The single decker has a long advertisement or fleet name panel above its side windows and a destination display unlike any of Williamson's. So I'm sorry I can't help further but I would be interested to know where the photo was taken as much has altered in the centre of Bridlington since then.

Chris Youhill

06/04/15 - 07:00

My wild guess is that its HL 4852 belonging to Boddys, according to my records neither Williamson or White Bus operated this type of decker.
HL 4852 was new to West Riding and passed to Boddys from Severn of Dunscroft and was operated from 5/47 to 11/51.
Cathy have you any more Bridlington bus photos we could have a look at?

Mike Davies

06/04/15 - 07:01

Chris Y.
Do you think it is just possible that the 2 buses are United? Just a thought!
Most UAS Titans of that era I remember were HB and had the rebuilt sloping windscreen. There is something of the early "J" about the single decker, and, of course, United did have a Brid "outpost".
The other thought was again, Boddys, who, if I recall correctly, had a Filey/Flamborough service around 1948, but I have no Boddys fleet list. This Titan is adorned with Filey/Flamborough stickers.
Some of the children are carrying what appears to be more than just the requirements of a day out, so maybe the bus(es) in the photo are purely incidental?
This hobby is both rewarding and frustrating! If only we could see the reg. number.

John Whitaker

06/04/15 - 07:03

Further research reveals that Boddy's of Bridlington ran a stage carriage service from Bridlington to Filey via Flamborough, and also dealt in second hand buses including some Leyland double deckers from Sheffield. The paper destination label on the bus in your picture Cathy says "Flamborough" and so I think it highly likely that the two buses were from Boddy's. Incidentally I was surprised to read in Ian C. Gibbs's latest splendid book on Bridlington independent operators that negotiations had taken place between Boddy's and Williamsons to take over the latter's local services - but the Traffic Commissioners ruled that integration of the local services with those of EYMS would be preferable, which of course eventually happened.

Chris Youhill

07/04/15 - 07:03

Could well be HL 4582 then Mike. Good detective work!
I do remember the Boddys Filey/Flamborough service, to which Ian Gibbs refers in his excellent book. Memory plays tricks though, and I connect another centre entrance decker to that memory fragment!
It would be nice to see a Boddys fleet list. You have obviously referred to one for the West Riding connection, Mike. There were several Boddys supplied old buses near our Bradford tram bungalow at Skipsea, which arrived between 1947 and 1950, including a TD1 just like this one! Boddys had a side line of supplying old buses for this purpose.
Chris Y refers to the book by Ian Gibbs on the Brid independents and their history, and it is a must for anyone fascinated by this topic.

John Whitaker

07/06/15 - 10:29

I think this picture was taken outside the church at the end of Quay Road, just before the Cenotaph in Bridlington. Looking at the background some of the building outlines still remain.

Terry Malloy



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