Bickers - Maudslay Mk III

Although there is no difficulty in identifying this as a Maudslay, I have no record of who the bodybuilder was, nor of any previous history, so would be grateful for any additional information. The internet is singularly uninformative except to provide an indication that they also owned OHK 612.

Alan Murray-Rust

24/03/15 - 15:28

I don't know the history of this coach, but my first impression is of a Duple body. Looking at SCT'61 and searching on Maudslay Marathon III produces a set of photos which includes HWW 767 owned by Burrows, with a Duple body. The front cab of both coaches is very similar to each other.

Michael Hampton

24/03/15 - 17:51

OHK 611/612 were Maudslay Marathon III's with Duple A-type bodies (body nos. 51674/51675). My records say new to Sutton, Clacton, but with a question mark.

John Stringer

25/03/15 - 06:14

Now that John's detective skill has identified the original operator, a little bit more about Sutton's Coaches may be found here, about halfway down:-
The Commercial Motor archive has a piece about a 1930 Maudslay of Sutton's on this web page (allowances must be made for recognition software errors, but you can zoom to the original article):-
Again on the CM archive is an article about a Sutton's Coaches TSM, aka Tilling-Stevens, seemingly a C60A7 of 1933. Again, zooming to the original is recommended.

Roger Cox

25/03/15 - 08:48

OHK 611 & OHK 612 were new to Suttons in March and April 1949. Bickers ran them from March 1962 to March 1966.
Apart from a couple of secondhand wartime purchases, Suttons only bought Duple bodies from 1934 to 1963.
A book on Suttons has just been published but, as my copy is still in the post, I can't tell you what it is like yet.
Bickers bought a number of coaches from Suttons over the years. OHK 611 went from Bickers to "Ipswich Transport Group" but obviously did not survive.

Nigel Turner

26/03/15 - 06:41

Many thanks to everyone for providing the answer so quickly. My faith in expecting a result from OBP regulars has not been misplaced.
With the definitive information that it is Duple, the outline of the cab side window fits perfectly.

Alan Murray-Rust



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