Bedford OWB Identity

Bedford OWB Identity

Another request for information, this is troubling me because I should know it but unfortunately I don't! It is HRB 37, Bedford OWB with standard utility body. With the Derbyshire registration (where I live!) I presume it was allocated to an operator in Derbyshire who ran a stage service. Does anyone know who it was, and it's subsequent history?

Chris Barker

20/08/12 - 11:25

The PSVC have recently published a chassis list of 'Orrible Wartime Buses, which reveals that HRB 37 was new in 1943 to H Mee (ATO Transport) of Pinxton near Mansfield.

Michael Wadman

21/08/12 - 07:31

Many thanks indeed for that Michael. I knew of ATO and I've always understood that at some point it belonged to a couple named Anne & Thomas Oliver, hence the initials. It traded until about 1970 and was purely a private hire operation so I'm intrigued to know why they should have been allocated an OWB by the ministry in 1943. I can only speculate that Pinxton, being in the heart of the Notts coalfield, they probably operated a colliery service. I shall have to do some more digging. (information, not coal!)

Chris Barker

21/08/12 - 08:34

I think, Chris B, that your theory will be spot on, as many "coach only" concerns helped the war effort with contract work. The mighty Wallace Arnold of Leeds, for example, had OWBs for just that purpose (not "coal" but other vital occupations.)

Chris Youhill

21/08/12 - 09:56

Michael Wadman refers to a PSVC list of OWB chassis. Is this list on general sale, or is it a "members only" publication?

Here is HRB 37 parked, I believe, outside the proprietor's house in Pinxton, in the company of a shy half-cab. Sorry to say that I can't ID that one.
Photo purchased from RHG Simpson

Les Dickinson

21/08/12 - 09:58

PSV Circle lists are available to non-members (members get a discount). The Bedford OWB Chassis List is £12.00 - check their website at then select Publications > Chassis Lists.

John Stringer

22/08/12 - 06:04

Now this really is a long father worked for the South Western Electricity Board and in the 1950's worked as a Sales Representative visiting customers all around Bristol. In 1953, he had an operation on his left hand and so had some time off work during which he had a request to take on a new sales venture after his return. This was to drive a mobile kitchen display unit fitted with all the latest "technology" and with a lady Demonstrator travelling with him to all the housing estates being built after WWII. The vehicle was a converted Bedford OWB and although I was only 5/6 years old, I remember it being painted dark olive green which were the SWEB colours at the time.

Richard Leaman

22/08/12 - 06:06

Les, that is the very photo I was trying to identify! I bought mine in a set from RHG Simpson in 1972, so it's taken me forty years to establish the operator! I was born and bred in Derbyshire and I was familiar with most of the others in the set. If you have the others, you will see that ATO evolved into quite a smart operator, they later had two AEC Reliances, one bought new with Yeates body and the very first Harrington Cavalier, ex demonstrator. They were based in what was very much Trent territory, so they must have taken quite a bit of their private hire business!

Chris Barker

22/08/12 - 08:16

Chris B, I would have thought that Pinxton was more Midland General than Trent territory, but maybe I'm wrong. The principle would be the same anyway.

Stephen Ford

22/08/12 - 11:10

Yes Chris, I have two others (which I have sent to Peter if he wishes to use them). The Cavalier was nearly new when it went to ATO I think.
Small world - I lived in the NE Derbyshire bit of Sheffield and now daughter lives in Broadmeadows.

Are you aware of any other ATO buses apart from those mentioned?

Les Dickinson

23/08/12 - 06:58

Les, I'm afraid I don't know of any other ATO vehicles, such a pity it's not possible to identify the half cab in the picture. I understand the PSV Circle did a fleet history of East Midland Area Independents some years ago but it's not available now.
Stephen, you are quite correct, Trent didn't operate to Pinxton (then) but in 1956, they took over the business of E Naylor & Sons of South Normanton. Naylors had a smart coach fleet and did lots of private hire work in the area, which abounded in social clubs and miners welfares. An ex-Naylors employee was retained by Trent as a private hire rep in the area and went out and actively canvassed for business. Midland General just took whatever business came to them. You could almost say that Naylors was worth more to Trent for the private hire customers it brought than the stage service!

Chris Barker

26/08/12 - 18:17

I understand ATO Transport Ltd., of Alfreton Road, Pinxton, Derbyshire, commenced bus and coach operations in 1947 when they acquired from H Mee of Town Street, Pinxton four vehicles, (including HRB 37) and works service licences. This vehicle would have been allocated to Mee as he was carrying passengers essential to the war effort.
The photograph was taken in Nottingham (I think, if I remember correctly, Cliff Road, off Canal Street) after HRB 37 was sold in March 1956 to an unknown contractor. The half cab next to it is ex South Notts No.24 ERR 123 Leyland Cheetah LZ2A with Willowbrook dual purpose body. A second ex South Notts vehicle BNN 922 No.19 a Leyland LT5A/Willowbrook bodied coach also resided on this piece of waste land, and all three may have been owned by the same person.

Alan Oxley

27/08/12 - 08:01

Many thanks Alan for concluding this one. I had a look on Google streetview and the plot of land on the corner of Cliff Road is immediately identifiable, the houses are still exactly the same. From your comments, I would guess that the PSV circle OWB list is incorrect if it states that the vehicle was new to H Mee, ATO Transport in 1943, as the ATO name only came into being after the 1948 sale of the business. Perhaps I was correct in thinking it was Anne & Thomas Oliver who purchased it.
At the risk of being a nuisance, I will post my next information request soon!

Chris Barker



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