Williamson's of Bridlington

Williamson's of Bridlington

Here are a few shots of Williamson's of Bridlington Horse Buses a couple of very early Motor Buses and some Newspaper cuttings. I hope they are of interest.

Cathy Goldthorpe


29/06/13 - 07:38

Thanks for posting this interesting collection of pics and cuttings Cathy. I know nothing of this operator but enjoyed your collection.

Les Dickinson

29/06/13 - 09:50

My word Cathy, what a superb collection of memories of the dear old Firm !! I'm sure that these pictures and cuttings will bring enormous pleasure to those who, like me, have treasured memories of the Old Town and of the seaside resort in its happier days. I was only perhaps three or four, in the War, when I became besotted with the fascinating public transport in Bridlington - Williamson's being my favourite, but also White Bus and Everingham Brothers. Those independent local bus service operators were one side of the spectrum, but the two larger concerns, East Yorkshire and United, had their own appeal and were both highly honourable companies too.

Chris Youhill

03/07/13 - 06:58

Many thanks, Cathy, for the gallery, although I do not remember Williamson's buses, as I was only 4 when he sold out to East Yorkshire, I must say that, even in horse bus days, Market Place is still recognisable today as it was then. The press cuttings (BFP, I presume), are both interesting and informative, even today. The photo of BT365, shows what an adventure early motorbus excursions must have been, also a bit breezy at Flamborough, I should imagine. I have a cutting from the Free Press, of a letter from one of the Williamson Family, and I will scan it and submit as soon as I can lay hands on it.

Keith Easton

07/07/13 - 07:47

Here is the copy of the letter to the Bridlington Free Press in 2002, from Ron Williamson, concerning Williamson's buses. I do not have a copy of Mr Hayes' letter, but the letters themselves are of sufficient interest.

Keith Easton

08/07/13 - 10:20

Below is a letter I received from a member of the Williamson family when I made enquiries for information many years after the demise of the Firm. A retired driver even many years later took me to Brett Street where a very helpful lady relative of the Family gladly told us all that she could but of course the passing of the years was by then against us. Nevertheless, its an archive that I treasure greatly as can be imagined.

Chris Youhill

10/07/13 - 10:38

Further to my message above, the letter in the newspaper from Ron Williamson reminds me that the same retired driver, one Harold Dowson, who took me to see the lady in Brett Street also took me the same day, by appointment, to see Ron at his flat in Chantry Court where we were also made very welcome.

Picture here of Harold same day, 20th September 1995, outside the old depot in Havelock Crescent,

Chris Youhill



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