A Day At The South Yorkshire Transport Museum

A Day At The South Yorkshire Transport Museum

On the 14th of April this year (2013) I went to the South Yorkshire Transport Museum at Aldwarke near Rotherham. Below are just a few shots I took with my phone, hope you like them.

Andy Fisher

Sheffield (A fleet) 904 a 1959 Leyland Titan PD3 with a Roe H39/30R body.

Wester National 1943 a 1958 Bristol Lodekka with an ECW H33/27RD body.

Yorkshire Traction 492 Leyland Tiger TS7 built 1935 with a Roe B32F body but was rebodied in 1950 with a Weymann B34F.

Note: Yorkshire Traction instead of Leyland on top of the radiator.

A Leyland Comet with a Duple C32F body which we got to ride back to the bus interchange. With virtually a full load, it still went pretty well. The wind down windows still worked. It had a sliding roof and some really nice light shades.

This is the side shot showing the SUT badge. It had a Panama 1 badge next to the door.


10/05/13 - 09:32

Living in the deep south, I have very little opportunity to visit God's own Country - and when I do, it's either visiting family or doing professional (musical) things. This I did last weekend, combining family visits with giving an organ recital in Rotherham. So near and yet so far - again!
Lovely set of pictures though. Fond memories of 904 taking me to school in the '60s. (SUT)374 looks fine, but the Duple seats jar - has no-one got a Plaxton set they can donate? I'm still looking forward to the resurrection of 1330.
As Les Dickinson said elsewhere, praise be to these fine chaps (and chappesses?) who spend their time and money on keeping these superb motors on the road for us to see and sample.

David Oldfield



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