Models - West Yorkshire Plus a Few Others

Models - West Yorkshire Plus a Few Others

In view of the fact that there are some model buses featured in other galleries and the favourable reaction to them, I thought you might be interested in some of the model buses I have scratch built in 7mm scale. Sorry about the Northern bias! It's a roots thing!

David Rhodes


22/02/13 - 12:22

One word: Amazing!

Pete Davies

22/02/13 - 12:23

David. In one word, "Fantastic."

David Oldfield

22/02/13 - 12:23

My word, David - absolutely magnificent! Scratch-built sounds too basic - precision-built is more like it! Congratulations on a superb fleet. Any more to show?

Paul Haywood

22/02/13 - 14:13

David. Your model gallery is absolutely superb!
I am (or have been!) a keen tram and bus modeller myself, and still do make a few attempts in card, but nowhere near the standard you have achieved.
Any chance you can pass on a few tips such as material types, and drawing availability?
Most of mine have been in 00 gauge, but I am going to have a bash at an 0 gauge Brush rebodied "Regen" of BCPT, and hope that the increased size will compensate for decreased eyesight!
Are you a member of the MBF by any chance?
Your gallery here is the best thing I have seen on the model front for many a year, and should prove to be a strong encouragement on this site for many of us. Brilliant!
I hope Peter feels able to include a regular input of modelling news, and your "Northern Bias" is to be encouraged!

John Whitaker

22/02/13 - 14:53

Incredible talent on show. In the antiques world there is a term "shed built" to describe something knocked up in a shed to be passed off as something of value and generally applied to anything from other than a well known source. These definitely are not shed built.
Not sure where you built those but they'd stand alongside and better anything being offered by model and hobby shops today and I'd lay money that they are far more detailed and accurate

Phil Blinkhorn

22/02/13 - 14:54

A wonderful selection of beautifully-crafted vehicles, David. One strange vehicle which stands out is the Leyland TS with a very un-aerodynamic lump across its roof. What's all that about?

Chris Hebbron

22/02/13 - 17:02

At last some Beverley bar models that actually replicate the domed roof. A fantastic effort and the Titan is no. 528 my favourite EYMS bus as well. A sight for sore eyes!

Malcolm Wells

23/02/13 - 08:16

What a very well deserved and prompt selection of appreciative comments David. The models are without doubt the finest variety that I've ever had the pleasure to admire - the standard of construction and the accuracy including the colours are a joy to behold. Having been closely associated with every one of the types in one way or another my admiration knows no bounds. Particularly delightful, but aren't they all ?? - were the little WYRCC 31 seat L6Bs - at Ilkley depot in my time we had EB2 and EB3 and I've had many a happy hour working on them both.
Thank you once again for these magnificent replicas - incredibly hard work I've no doubt, but I imagine certainly most rewarding to cherish.

Chris Youhill

23/02/13 - 11:00

Oh dear, I am almost embarrassed at such wonderful comments. These models have hardly been outside the four walls, so haven't been seen by the general public before. They do take about 100 hours each to make and the collection has been put together over 25 years, hence some of them look a bit dusty! I do have a few other models which I haven't put in here, but the majority of my others are actually motorised trams, and of course this is a bus site. I didn't know quite what to expect, but thank you all so very much for your kind comments and appreciation. I am quite happy to give anyone some hints and tips, but I'm aware that I don't want to jam up the Old Bus Photos website. I would just say that before you even start, take your time to find a good set of working drawings and check them carefully against a full set of photos from all angles. My latest project, which someone might be able to help me with, is a half-cab 1933 Leyland Cub SKP 2. I need sight of a photo of the radiator head on so that I can reproduce it accurately to scale.
No, I'm not a member of MBF. Good though they are, I found that they were in the majority interested in 4mm scale.

In answer to Chris Hebbron's query, here is a photo of one of the WY re-bodied Tigers which shows the luggage hump on the roof, Royal Blue style. WY re-bodied about 18 early Tigers in 1936.
I would particularly like to thank Chris Youhill for his comprehensive comments. I envy him having been able to drive some of these Bristol vehicles. With crash boxes and no power steering it must have been a real skill. Chris Youhills mention of the WY L6B d/p coaches sets my memories going. I see, looking at the October 1956 depot allocation sheet, that EB2 was at Ilkley and my all-time favourite, EB5, was at Keighley. I used to live in a village outside Keighley at the top of a hill (Riddlesden) and went to school by bus every day. Those were the days when some of the services were duplicated at peak times and the 8:05 service 13 had two L types on. We had an ear for the engine sounds as they approached struggling up the hill. It was jackpot if it was a Bristol engine because it was one of the EBs, which were lovely to ride in. I'm still jealous that I never drove one! Anyway, I get my fix from making the models at the moment.
Having found this site, I now realise how pointless it is squirrelling our collections away and not giving others the pleasure. The exchanges on this site are so informative.

David Rhodes

24/02/13 - 17:55

David, the pictures of your models just about took my breath away. On seeing the line-up of WY Bristol L-types flanking the 'little' Bedford OB bus I thought "Wow! Look at that!", but on scrolling down the photos it simply got better and better. What an amazing collection of vehicles. You obviously possess a real talent and your sharp eye for detail shines in every one. The individual seats, destination displays behind 'glass', cab door handles and intricate mouldings - especially on the KSW double-deck coach - display a passion for getting things right. They are a credit to your patience and skill, as are the roof contours of your delightful 'Beverley Sisters' - where on earth do you start with one of those?? Thank you very much for posting the photos David. Have you ever considered exhibiting your models at all? I'm sure they would create a lot of interest if you did.

Brendan Smith

01/03/13 - 06:04

Thank you, Brendan for your appreciative comments. I liked your phrase 'The Beverley Sisters'. Perhaps that reflects our age! I haven't exhibited this collection of buses, but I do occasionally get invited to run my trams on a small test track at model railway exhibitions. Oddly enough, it seems to be the children, who are most enthusiastic about the trams, even though they don't know much about them. I hope to put a few more photos of my models up for you to see and among these I will add some which show my construction methods. Hopefully someone will get inspired to have a go at building their own model.

David Rhodes

19/03/13 - 18:12

Have just been looking at Daves scale model of East Yorkshires YELLOW PERIL it is Fantastic, could Dave scratch build the real thing for me.

I bought MKH 84 and hope to start work on her some time this year.

Martin Chaplin

20/03/13 - 06:27

Martin - I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing you every success in your noble venture. This bus is such an iconic symbol of 1950s east coast seaside operations, it deserves an funding appeal from the resorts it once served.

Paul Haywood

20/03/13 - 06:29

I've only just accessed this thread: I only wish I had the patience and skill to produce items of this quality - sadly, disappointing results with various Airfix kits assembled during my teenage years have taught me to stick with the likes of EFE/OOC etc to build my collection, and consequently I suspect that the likes of an EYMS Bridgemaster will never figure, or for that matter, a United Automobile Services "Scarborough" TS8 - that was the model you were enquiring about wasn't it Chris?
The bodies were originally constructed by Plaxton in 1936 on 1928 AJ-class ADC 425 chassis to form the AS (1-10) class (ADC Scarborough). The built-up section mid-way along the roof housing the destination boxes also accommodated the fore-and-aft folding roof sections when open.
The ADCs were withdrawn after the 1949 season, and the bodies were transferred to 1938 LTO-class TS8s for the 1950 season, becoming LS1-10 (Leyland Scarborough).
I think the TS8s lasted until 1957(?), when they were replaced by some B39C "Queen Mary" rebodies of late 1940s Bristol LL5Gs(?) - these bodies too had the mid-way destination indicators, but of a profile in line with the roof as there was no need to accommodate the folding roof sections one of which can be seen here. I imagine the LLs lasted until the mid-sixties, when - I think - the Scarborough sea-front service was taken over by run-of-the-mill Lodekkas.
We've got the thread "Back End of a Bus" on here, I'd love to see the back-end of some of these models: especially the Plaxton-TS8 . . . which begs me to ask the question - how do you get the aspects that are so rarely seen, let alone the dimensions?

Philip Rushworth

21/03/13 - 06:20

Well, everyone wonders where I start making the models, but where on earth do you start to sort out MKH 84? Was this the one which Halifax used as a trainer and where has it been to get into such a mess? Have you got it under cover now? It's a huge responsibility having such a rare and iconic vehicle and it seems to have survived so far, despite the odds. Thank goodness for Roe construction! It's a pity you're so far away - I'd love to pitch in and help you, but live near Exeter. I used to be pretty good at brush finishing paintwork and sign painting. Look forward to hearing more about this lovely vehicle.

David Rhodes

22/03/13 - 08:59

David, the one that went to Halifax Corporation as a training bus was MKH 81.

John Stringer

10/09/13 - 16:30

I have just noticed a comment from Philip Rushworth way back in March wanting back end shots of my model buses, particularly the United Scarborough Seafront TS8s.
Finding the photos of back ends of buses isn't easy, but I spend many hours trawling through sites on the internet, as well as having many contacts and literally thousands of West Yorkshire Road Car photos. So I have plenty of interesting shots of L types to work on.

David Rhodes



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