R.S.Licence | E/J | Route No | Start | End | Status | Inner Terminal | Outer Terminal | Prev | Next | Notes and Remarks | Service Type | ||||
yy/mm | yy/mm | Lic | R/No | Lic | R/No | ||||||||||
BH101/16 | 47 | 23/10. | 39/09? | Withdrawn | Queen Victoria Square | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | .... | ... | .... | NIGHT SERVICE | ||||
BH101/19 | 47 | 32/?? | 34/07 | Extended | Bond Street | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Extended to Savile Street | ||||
47 | 34/07 | 64/06 | Extended | Savile Street | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Extended from and to Bond Street | |||||
47 | 64/06 | 71/10 | Renumbered | Bond Street | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | .... | ... | 47B | Extended from Savile Street | |||||
47B | 71/10 | 73/05 | Extended | Coach Station | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | 47 | ... | .... | Extended to Brook Street | |||||
* | 47B | 73/05 | 75/05 | Renumbered | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | .... | ... | 47F | Extended from Coach Station | ||||
47F | 75/05 | 80/06 | Withdrawn | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Marfleet Avenue (Hedon Road) | ... | 47B | ... | .... | ||||||
47A | 67/10 | 73/05 | Extended | Coach Station | Somerden Road | ... | .... | ... | .... | Extended to Brook Street | |||||
47A | 73/05 | 80/06 | Trans/Reno | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Somerden Road | ... | .... | 105 | 10X | Extended from Coach Station | |||||
47B | 67/10 | 68/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Bilton Grange (Grange R/Hopewell R) | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
# | 47D | 67/10 | 71/10 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Somerden Road | 73 | 93 | ... | .... | E.J. to 9/69 & from 9/70 | ||||
47 | 71/10 | 73/05 | Extended | Coach Station | Greatfield (Stalybridge Avenue) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Extended to Brook Street and Grange Road | |||||
47 | 73/05 | 75/05 | Renumbered | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Bilton Grange (Grange R/Hopewell R) | ... | .... | ... | 47B | Extended from Coach Station and Greatfield | |||||
47B | 75/05 | 80/06 | Withdrawn | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Bilton Grange (Grange R/Hopewell R) | ... | 47 | ... | .... | ||||||
47 | 75/05 | 80/06 | Trans/Reno | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Longhill (Wansbeck Road end) | ... | .... | 105 | 10B | ||||||
47S | 75/05 | 80/06 | Withdrawn | Ferensway (Brook Street) | Bilton Grange, Wivern Rd/St Bedes Sc | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
BH101/65? | 47 | 34/07 | 39/09? | Withdrawn | Savile Street | Hedon Road (Marfleet Avenue) | ... | .... | ... | .... |
BH101/71 | 49 | 36/?? | 66/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Hedon, Thorn Road | ... | .... | ... | 79 | Joint pruchase with EYMS from Sharpe of Hedon 11/35 |
| |||
79 | 66/10 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Hedon, Thorn Road | ... | 49 | ... | .... | ||||||
86 | 56/?? | 60/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Paull Village via Hedon | 72 | 36 | ... | 149 | ||||||
149 | 60/10 | 66/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Paull | ... | 86 | ... | 179 | ||||||
179 | 66/10 | 68/06 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Paull | ... | 149 | ... | 79A | ||||||
79A | 68/06 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Paull | ... | 179 | ... | .... | ||||||
249 | 60/10 | 66/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Paull & Hedon | 91 | 84 | ... | 279 | ||||||
279 | 66/10 | 68/06 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Paull & Hedon | ... | 249 | ... | 79B | ||||||
79B | 68/06 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Paull & Hedon | ... | 279 | ... | .... | ||||||
349 | 60/10 | 66/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Preston | ... | .... | ... | 379 | ||||||
379 | 66/10 | 68/06 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Preston | ... | 349 | ... | 79C | ||||||
79C | 68/06 | 71/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Preston | ... | 379 | ... | 79F | ||||||
79F | 71/10 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Preston | ... | 79C | ... | .... | ||||||
449 | 60/10 | 66/10 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Preston & Hedon | ... | .... | ... | 479 | ||||||
479 | 66/10 | 68/06 | Renumbered | Coach Station | Coach Station via Preston & Hedon | ... | 449 | ... | 79D | ||||||
79D | 68/06 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Preston & Hedon | ... | 479 | ... | .... | ||||||
59 | 71/10 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Hedon, Thorn Road via Preston | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
59B | 71/10 | 75/05? | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Preston, Stakes La | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
59C | 71/10 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Bilton & Hedon | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
79C | 71/10 | 81/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Hedon & Bilton | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
79E | 71/10 | 75/05? | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Coach Station via Stakes La, Preston | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
BH101/72 | 36 | 36/?? | 56/?? | Trans/Reno | Hedon, Thorn Road | Paull Village | ... | .... | 71 | 86 | Joint purchase with EYMS from Sharpe of Hedon 11/35 |
| |||
BH101/73 | 43 | 36/?? | 54/?? | Renumbered | Coach Station | Saltend Works | ... | .... | ... | 91 | Joint purchase with EYMS from Sharpe of Hedon 11/35 |
| |||
91 | 54/?? | 71/10 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Saltend Works | ... | 43 | ... | .... | ||||||
53 | 49/11 | 54/?? | Renumbered | Coach Station | Hedon Road (BCLO Factory) | ... | .... | ... | 93 | ||||||
93 | 54/?? | 66/?? | Extended | Coach Station | Hedon Road (BCLO Factory) | ... | 53 | ... | .... | Extended to Somerden Road | |||||
93 | 66/?? | 67/10 | Trans/Reno | Coach Station | Somerden Road | ... | .... | 19 | 47D | Extended from BCLO | |||||
BH101/89 | * | 47/00 | 49/04 | Extended | Coach Station | Hedon (Airfield) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Altered to Hedon (Speedway track) | ||||
* | 49/04 | 51/?? | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Hedon Road (Speedway Track) | ... | .... | ... | .... | ||||||
BH101/91 | 36 | 49/10 | 56/?? | Renumbered | Coach Station | Paull Village | ... | .... | ... | 84 | |||||
84 | 56/?? | 60/10 | Trans/Reno | Coach Station | Paull Village | ... | 36 | 71 | 249 | ||||||
BH101/97 | * | 51/06 | 51/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 20th - 30th June | ||||
BH101/98 | * | 51/06 | 51/06 | Withdrawn | Maybury Road | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 20th - 30th June | ||||
BH101/99 | * | 51/07 | 51/07 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 3rd - 10th July | ||||
BH101/100 | 52 | 51/10 | 54/?? | Renumbered | Hedon, Thorn Road | Saltend Works via Preston | ... | .... | ... | 92 | |||||
92 | 54/?? | 60/10? | Withdrawn | Hedon, Thorn Road | Saltend Works via Preston | ... | 52 | ... | .... | ||||||
BH101/106 | * | 58/06 | 58/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 29th July | ||||
BH101/107 | * | 58/06 | 58/06 | Withdrawn | Bilton Grange (Diadem Grove) | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 29th June | ||||
BH101/119 | * | 65/07 | 65/07 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 17th & 18th July | ||||
BH101/120 | * | 67/04 | 86/07 | Renumbered | Coach Station | King George Dock (Ferry Terminal) | ... | .... | ... | 19 |
19 | 86/07 | 86/10 | Deregulated | Coach Station | Princess Margaret Ferry Terminal | ... | * | ... | .... | Via Hedon Road | |||||
* | 68/06 | 72/03 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | Alexandra Dock (Ferry Terminal) | ... | .... | ... | .... |
BH101/122 | * | 66/03 | 66/03 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 14th March | ||||
BH101/123 | * | 66/06 | 66/06 | Withdrawn | Coach Station | King George Dock | ... | .... | ... | .... | Operated 14th & 15th June | ||||
U/LIC 2 | * | 23/02. | 23/?? | Withdrawn | Hedon Road (Marfleet Avenue) | King George Dock (Eastern Entrance) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Experimental service | ||||
U/LIC 4 | * | 70/03 | 77/05 | Withdrawn | King George Dock (Grain Silo) | King George Dock (No 8 Quay) | ... | .... | ... | .... | Not on public highway - no licence needed | ||||
TRAM 6 | M | 03/12. | 30/?? | Withdrawn | Savile Street | Hedon Road (Alexandra Dock) | ... | .... | ... | .... | |||||
MA | 12/04. | 30/?? | Relettered | Savile Street | Hedon Road (Marfleet Lane) | ... | .... | ... | M | ||||||
M | 30/?? | 23/12. | Withdrawn | Savile Street | Hedon Road (Marfleet Lane) | ... | MA | 19 | 47 |
E.J. denotes extra journeys (i.e. Services listed in the timetables but not given timings, often peak extras)
* denotes services which were of extra journey status throughout the period shown
# denotes services which were of extra journey status for less than the period shown, actual start or finish dates are given in the notes
Dates: On post-war services dates quoted are timetable dates, i.e. Start dates are the date of the first timetable in which the service is shown,
whilst the end date is that of the first timetable in which the service was not shown.
Date format is YY/MM.
Previous and Next: These four columns show the previous licence number or next number when a service is transferred between licences.
The blue columns give the same information for renumbered services.
Road Service Licences: There are 26 RSL's for which the service is not known, these are marked with a query (?) in the list;
there are also 22 services which are known for certain to have been operated in the period concerened.
(c) copyright Keith Easton, 2009
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