Appendix 2; Relationship of Pre- and Post-Deregulation Routes     
In early 1986, a list was published by the Department of Transport showing all services registered for      
operation from October 26th, 1986. They were all given sequential registration numbers by the DoT,      
which were prefixed by the Operator Licence Number (OLN), which in the case of KHCT Ltd, was PB412.     
In the list which follows, all variations, which were not included in the list, are also shown. Routes      
which operated only in the direction shown are indicated with an asterisk, all others operated in both      
directions. Some cross city routes are shown split into two halves, which relate to two Road Service      
Licences, are in fact operated as a single journey.     
NumberRoute Numbers Terminal Points Numbers
Regular Services     
BH101/05673C1Boothferry Estate to City Centre ….via Hessle RoadPB412/0796
BH101/00643C1… City Centre to Greatfield Estatevia Preston Road 
BH101/056___1*Council Avenue to City Centre ….via Hessle Road 
BH101/006___1*…. City Centre to Greatfield Estatevia Preston Road 
BH101/006___1*Hull Station to Greatfield Estatevia Preston Road 
BH101/056___1*Carr Lane to Council Avenuevia Hessle Road 
BH101/056___1*Hull Station to Boothferry Estatevia Hessle Road 
BH101/05663C2Boothferry Estate to City Centre ….Via Anlaby RoadPB412/0802
BH101/00648C2…. City Centre to Greatfield Estatevia Portobello Street 
BH101/006___2*Greatfield Estate to Carr Lanevia Portobello Street 
BH101/05663C2ABoothferry Estate to City Centre ….via Anlaby Road 
BH101/00648C2A…. City Centre to Greatfield Estatevia Portobello Street 
BH101/07615C/17C3Hull Station to Orchard Park circular PB412/0797
BH101/076___3*Orchard Park to Hull Stationvia Beverley Road 
BH101/076___3*Orchard Park to Hull Stationvia Beverley Road 
BH101/07615B3A*Hull Station to Ellerburn Avenuevia Spring Bank 
BH101/076___3DHull Station to Orchard Park circular via Castle Street 
BH101/076___3SHull Station to Orchard Park circularvia schools 
BH101/07617C/15C4Hull Station to Orchard Park circular  
BH101/076___4*Orchard Park to Hull Stationvia Spring Bank 
BH101/07617A4A*Hull Station to Hall Road/37th Ave.via Beverley Road 
BH101/076___4DHull Station to Orchard Park circularvia Castle Street 
BH101/076___4SHull Station to Orchard Park circularvia schools 
BH101/114205Hull Station to Hall Road Tesco storesvia AvenuesPB412/0798
BH101/093___6Hull Station to Endike Lanevia UniversityPB412/0803
BH101/118167Hull Station to Ings Bridge estatevia Bridlington Ave.PB412/0804
BH101/088___8Hull Station to Bransholme Centrevia Sutton RoadPB412/0805
BH101/088___8AHull Station to Bransholme Centrevia Cheltenham Ave 
BH101/088___8XHull Station to Bransholme Centrevia Sutton Fields 
BH101/129___9Hull Station to Bodmin Roadvia Garden VillagePB412/0806
BH101/1313910Hull Station to Bransholme Northvia Cleveland StreetPB412/0807
BH101/13139D10DHull Station to Bransholme Northvia Drypool Bridge 
BH101/13139X10XHull Station to Bransholme Northvia Sutton Fields 
BH101/05534C11Hull Station to Bransholme Centrevia Garden VillagePB412/0808
BH101/057___12Hull Station to Bransholme Centrevia SuttonPB412/0809
BH101/10155C/58C13Hull Station to Bilton Grange circular PB412/0810
BH101/101___13*Diadem Grove to Hull Stationvia Bilton Grange 
BH101/101___13A*Diadem Grove to Hull Stationvia Ings Estate 
BH101/10158C/55C14Hull Station to Bilton Grange circular  
BH101/101___14*Diadem Grove to Hull Stationvia Ings Estate 
BH101/10155A14A*Diadem Grove to Hull Station via Bilton Grange 
BH101/0616715Sainsbury Way to City Centre ….via Boothferry RoadPB412/0811
BH101/057___15…. City Centre to Noddle Hillvia Cleveland Street 
BH101/057___15Hull Station to Noddle Hillvia Cleveland Street 
BH101/0616715*Sainsbury Way to Hull Stationvia Boothferry Road 
Irregular Services     
BH101/03741A16Hull Station to Fleet Estatevia Holderness RoadPB412/0812
BH101/037___16*Stockholm Road to Fleet Estatevia Ings Road 
BH101/0944517Hull Station to Somerden Road PB412/0813
BH101/094___17*Hull Station to King George Dock  
BH101/0931418Hull Station to Bricknell Avenuevia Park AvenuePB412/0800
BH101/09314D18Castle Street to Bricknell Avenuevia Park Avenue 
BH101/120Ferrybus19Hull Station to Ferry Terminalvia Hedon RoadPB412/0814
BH101/13139A20Hull Station to Wawnevia Cleveland StreetPB412/0915
BH101/131___20*Wawne to Holwell Road  
Inner & Outer Circulars     
BH101/015___21*Inner Circle (clockwise) PB412/0816
BH101/015___22*Inner Circle (anti-clockwise)  
BH101/1051023*Outer Circle (clockwise-Off peak) PB412/0817
BH101/1051024*Outer Circle (anti-clockwise- Off peak)  
BH101/105___24*Bransholme Centre to Hull Station  
BH101/1051125*Outer Circle (clockwise- Peaks)via Goulton StPB412/0801
BH101/105___25*Hull Station to Somerden Road  
BH101/105___25*Holwell Road to Hull Station  
BH101/105___25A*Outer Circle (clockwise - Peaks)via Bransholme Ctr. 
BH101/105___25W*Hall Road to Dansom Lane  
BH101/1051126*Outer Circle (anti-clockwise - Peaks)Via Sutton Fields 
BH101/10510B26*Shannon Road - Hull Station  
BH101/10510D26*Hull Station to Somerden Road  
BH101/10510D26*Somerden Road to Hull Station  
BH101/105___26*Cheltenham Avenue to Hull Station  
BH101/105___26W*Dansom Lane to Hull Station  
Workers Services “Earlybird”     
BH101/056___51*Anlaby Road to Guildhallvia Hessle RoadPB412/0818
BH101/084___52*Wymersley Road to Guildhallvia Anlaby RoadPB412/0819
BH101/076___53*Greenwood Avenue to Guildhallvia Hall RoadPB412/0820
BH101/0882154*Bransholme Centre to Hull Stationvia Beverley RoadPB412/0799
BH101/131___55*Cumbrian Way to Hull Stationvia BransholmePB412/0822
BH101/150___56*Shannon Road to Hull Stationvia Preston RoadPB412/0823
Works Services (others)     
BH101/13139W73*Bransholme to Council Avenue PB412/0824
BH101/14949A74Greatfield to Sutton Fields PB412/0825
BH101/1057575*Willerby Road to Hull Station PB412/0821
BH101/1057575*Hull Station to Greenwood Avenue  
School Services     
BH101/0578080Buckingham Street to Cavendish Road PB412/0826
BH101/093___81Hull Station to Grammar School Road PB412/0827
BH101/093___81AHull station to Bishop Alcock Road  
BH101/1468383*Salisbury Street to Courtland Road PB412/0828
BH101/1468383*Courtland Road to Hull Station  
BH101/1528484Dansom Lane to Whitworth Street PB412/0829
Services for the Disabled “Handirider”     
BH101/163______Various Routes (2) PB412/1016-7
BH101/163______Various Routes (8) PB412/1042-9
Hull City Council Supported Services (operated from July, 1986)     
BH101/015___21A*Hull Station to Cottingham Road PB412/0816
BH101/015___22A*Cottingham Road to Hull Station  
Humberside County Council Supported Services (operated from September, 1986)     
BH101/164___77SWillerby Road to Kingston High School PB412/2434
BH101/165___87SCumbrian way to Bransholme High School PB412/2435
BH101/166___86SClough Road to St Andrew’s Junior High School PB412/2436
BH101/167___88SDansom Lane to Saltshouse Junior High School PB412/2437
BH101/168___68SSummergangs Road to Saltshouse Junior High School PB412/2438
BH101/169___89SBude Road to Sir Leo Schultz High School PB412/2439
BH101/170___97SCaroline Street to Bricknell Junior High School PB412/2440
BH101/171___90SDansom Lane to St Richard’s Junior High School PB412/2441
BH101/172___67SMizzen Road to St Mary’s High School PB412/2442
BH101/173___95SSutton Road to Bricknell Junior High School PB412/2443
BH101/174___71SCarr Lane to Kingston High School PB412/2444
BH101/175___78SCarr Lane to Riley High School PB412/2445
BH101/176___79SCarr Lane to Eastfield Junior High School PB412/2446
BH101/177___81SAlbert Avenue to Kelvin Hall High School PB412/2447
BH101/178___82SBodmin Road to Bransholme High School PB412/2448
BH101/179___70SSavoy Road to Bilton Grange High School PB412/2449
BH101/180___91S/91XCraven Street to Greatfield High School PB412/2450
BH101/181___65SGarden Village to St Anne’s Junior High School PB412/2452
BH101/182___85SDansom Lane to Bilton Grange High School PB412/2451


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