Photos from my Fathers Album

            See below for details of above vehicles

My late Father David & my Mother Sally both worked for Blue Line - Reliance my father for 48 years from 1931 until his retirement in 1978. Below are a selection of my Dads old photographs some of pre-war Reliance in the yard at the rear of the old garage on Church Road and others out on route.

Mouse over photo will stop the album turning

David Oglesby

Caption for the above group shot from Front to Back
EDT 409 Bedford OB - GAT 226 Dennis Falcon - BWY 978 Leyland Cheeta - ENT 910 Guy Arab
YG 642 Dennis Lancet - MX 8373 AEC Reliance - HWX 3 Guy Arab III - EWU 374 Guy Arab III

If anyone would like to write a piece for any of the shots in the album please feel free and it will posted as a separate posting.
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Old Bus Photos from Saturday 25th April 2009 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024