Old Bus Photos


If I upload a photograph and I know who took the shot I will credit that person. If I credit you and you would prefer not to have your photographs on the site please let me know and I will remove them.

If I don’t know who took the photograph it will be marked as ‘unknown’ if you took any of the ‘unknown’ photographs please let me know I’ll be pleased to either credit you, or if you prefer I will remove them.

Photographs supplied by contributors are shown with the presumption that the contributor has the permission to use it. If the contributor does not have permission to use the photograph it will be credited to or removed as per the request of whosoever does have permission.


You can contact me by the form which is on the Contact Page or by email at obp-admin@nwframpton.com'.

All rights to the design and layout of this website are reserved     

Old Bus Photos from Saturday 25th April 2009 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024